The 3 Best Strength Training Exercises for Beginners.....

body weight to learn basic movement

Strength training can be intimidating for beginners, but the benefits can’t be beaten: more muscle, higher calorie burn, stronger bones and joints, better endurance, and reduced risk of injury during other workouts. Remember to pair strength workouts with cardio as you plan your exercise routine, and try these tips and top-tier strength training exercises for beginners when you are ready to kick-start your journey to being stronger....

1.Start with body weight to learn basic movement...

The various movement patterns before you add an additional load, like dumbbells, should always be a top priority, as it helps decrease your risk of injury and will help you lift more weight down the road...
There are five basic movement patterns: squat, hinge, push, pull, and core work. There are many variations of each of those movements, but for beginners, I tend to gravitate toward a bodyweight squat, glute bridges, push-ups   and planks....

There are five primary maneuvers, in addition to movements, such as throwing, crawling, and climbing....

*Hip-dominant (deadlifts, swings)

*Knee-dominant (squats and lunges)

*Pushing movements (pushups, dips, and presses)

*Pulling movements (rows and pull-ups)

*Gait patterns, such as walking and running....

Body weight allows you to focus on form first, so you can set yourself up with a solid, safe foundation and address any muscle imbalances....

Working with a trained professional who can take you through some basic assessments will help you determine what muscles might be over/underactive and how to begin correcting these issues.....

Three key strength training exercises for beginners....



 Squats are the best strength training exercises for beginners in terms of bang for your buck.....

Squats not only work your legs but your core and upper body, too....
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips, feet facing forward. Look straight ahead with your arms out in front of your body. With chest out, shoulders back, and abs tight, slowly lower your butt down as far as you can. Make sure your knees do not push forward past your toes. Weight should be in your heels, not your toes...and complete 15-20 reps....



There are a million push-up variationsto meet any beginner at their comfort level...start in a plank position with arms extended, and then lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Keep your body in a straight line, with elbows close to your sides, and then push yourself back up. ....



They accelerate strength throughout your body whether you do them from your hands, sides, or forearms. Place your body in a pushup position, arms shoulder-width distance apart......

Stack shoulders over wrists and heels over ankles. Hold for 30 seconds, working up to a few minutes over time...
If you can’t hold a plank for one minute, your body will have a lot of trouble properly completing any other exercises.....

Written by Ankesh mihir...