How to Avoid the 5 Biggest Workout Mistakes.....


Is It Bad to Work Out Every Day?
 Workout Mistakes

Sometimes, exercisers with the best intentions lose the least amount of weight.....

If you've been struggling to shed a few pounds and your exercise plan isn't yielding any results, see if you are making one of these common workout mistakes.....

1.Should I Work Out Every Day????

Work Out Every Day

It isn't bad to work out every day. Doing some form of physical activity each day is smart when you're trying to slim down. But if you want to lose weight, repeating the same workout mode, intensity, or duration day after day won't work....

Fix this blunder -Develop a workout schedule that involves different activities....
For example-if you normally do 40 minutes of walking, keep that activity on your workout schedule two or three days per week....
On the remaining days, mix in a cycling workout and a day of walk/run can work out every day and avoid burnout....

2.Don't avoid more Eating ...

Don't avoid more Eating

When you add exercise to your routine, you get hungry more often—especially when you work out every day. Dealing with that hunger can be an uphill battle, because there is often a little voice inside your head that says, I can eat whatever I want because I exercised today.....

Fix this blunder- Before you start or change your workout program, determine....

When you begin your exercise program make sure that you only increase your food intake so that you still maintain a calorie deficit at the end of the day....

3.Avoid Lopsided Training....

Avoid Lopsided Training

A good fitness schedule includes..strength training, and flexibility work (stretching)....
This balanced workout program ensures that your body stays healthy and fit...
Fix this blunder- Most weight loss workout programs include aerobic activity so it's unlikely that you willhave to add cardio. But you should also make sure that you do 2-3 days of strength training, as well....

If time is an issue, do a circuit workout and complete short intervals of strength exercises between 5-10 minute bursts of cardio. Then, finish every workout with 10-15 minutes of stretching so that youmaintain healthy joints and an injury-free body....

4.Don't Decrease Non-Exercise Physical Activity....

Don't Decrease Non-Exercise Physical Activity

It's great if you go to the gym every day and complete a killer workout...If you compensate for your workout by decreasing the amount of non-exercise physical activity that you do during the day, your total daily caloric expenditure may end up being the same as if you hadn't gone to the gym at all.....

5.Rethink Supplements and Sports Drinks...

Rethink Supplements and Sports Drinks

Do you refuel during or after your workout with sports drinks???
If so, you are probably erasing the calorie deficit that you just earned. In some cases, athletes need sports drinks, but for most exercisers water is the best choice for hydration. There are hundreds of products on the market and, sadly, most of them do nothing but make empty promises and drain your wallet....
Fix this blunder-Instead of investing in drink or supplements
They will help you to make sure you are getting enough of the right kind of calories to recover adequately from your workout....

Written by Ankesh mihir